A Classical Poet for Modern Times

Joseph Eldredge, BA, MPS, is an accomplished poet, teacher, and scholar. He lives in the small town of Alma, Colorado, seated 10,300ft above sea level, in the heart of the wild Rocky Mountains.

Published Work

A Town of James

Available Now!

An Andrew Jackson

Available Now!

Songs of Sonnets

Published Monthly



Poetry is symbolic action in which the poet transforms their consciousness through the art of language. This transformation varies, from the minorities of elevation (pastoral) to the sea-changes of great art (epic, dramatic). However, this process must not exist in isolation. Poetry, as language, must not only be spoken, but spoken to  someone.

As the reader of the poet, I want to thank you for listening to my art, and I want to encourage you to allow its changes to change you.

~Joseph Eldredge


Contact the Author

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